Monday, April 28, 2008


How many of you remember the boy that I was supposed to see a movie with?

Long story short: This boy and I watched the movie. We were seen together. I got grounded.

Short story long:

On May 26, 2008, me (henceforth known as ACCUSED) went to the movies with the boy (Henceforth known as STUPID). After the movie, ACCUSED bade goodbye to STUPID in the lobby of the movie theatre. Then, ACCUSED went outside. After that, my friend, (henceforth known as WITTNESS 1) called out "Come with us" to STUPID. ACCUSED cried out "No," but it was too late. STUPID listened to WITTNESS 1. My dad, (Henceforth known as JUDGE) happened to notice STUPID hanging with WITTNESS 1, ACCUSSED, and my other friend, (henceforth known as WITTNESS 2)

Upon arriving home, JUDGE asked ACCUSED for an explanation. ACCUSED testified that WITTNESS 1 and WITTNESS 2 had nothing to do with ACCUSED being seen with STUPID. ACCUSED pleaded GUILTY. ACCUSED was proven GUILTY.


THE TERMS: ACCUSED is not allowed to leave her house without her parents, except to walk the dog.

THE LOOPHOLES. ACCUESD is allowed to leave the house, either accompanied with her parents, to walk the dog, or to go to Track practice.

These terms are fixed until May 23rd, unless waived by a JUDGE, (or his assistant).

See how much agony I'm in?!?!?!?!

Peace out.
