Friday, May 16, 2008

I'm mad

My teacher has to be the most retarded person on the face of the planet!!!!!!!!!

All right, that's a little harsh, seeing as there are some people who really are mentally retarded. But still!!!

Must meditate...Ommmm.....Ommmm.....Ommmm.....

All right. Better now. Wanna hear some reasons that he's retarded? (too bad, cause I'm not giving you a choice in the matter!)

REASON NO. 1---Today, the other teacher on our level gave him some survey-type thingie, with the instructions that he should pass them out to my class during the day. But of course, he forgets. (The only reason I know about this at all is because my mom works there and I have to be there early every single day.) Now, granted, it's his first year here. But that's no excuse!!! My mom started two years ago and when a teacher gave her explicit instructions to do something, she didn't forget!!!

REASON NO. 2---Also, he grades based on how much he likes the kid. My BFF, she is always sucking up to him (Don't you think badly of her!!!) because she is sorta struggling with her grade and she needs all the help she can get. My teacher gives her an A on report cards. Also she doesn't do any of the work, because she has a lot of Math homework. My other friend, however, she does all the work. She is helping him by forever contradicting every wrong statement that falls from his lips. Her grade on report cards? B minus.

Must meditate...Ommmm.....Ommmm.....Ommmm.....

Peace out.
